The 4 Types of Microsoft Teams
How many types of Microsoft Teams
are there? Microsoft’s team collaboration service offers four main teams to
choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. This guide will help
you decide which type of team works best for your organization and will point
out some important differences between them so you can plan your initial
adoption strategy effectively.
1) Collaborative – Create,
share and discuss
Collaborative teams are groups
that work together on a single project. They can use tools like SharePoint,
Yammer, and Skype for Business to share documents, chat with one another and
hold virtual meetings. Collaborative teams might be organized by department or
role so everyone is working on the same goal. One downside to collaborative
teams is that they can sometimes struggle with people feeling like their voice
isn’t heard when there are too many voices in the group. If you want to know
what’s happening across your organization, however, this type of team may be right
for you.
Competitive – Compete:
Competitive teams have clear goals and deadlines where only one person can win.
They are focused on being the best at whatever it is they’re doing. The
high-energy nature of competitive teams often makes them perfect for fast-paced
organizations that need to produce quick results. These types of teams
generally consist of small numbers (less than 10) but often rotate members so
everyone gets an opportunity to contribute their ideas without worrying about
someone else stepping on their toes or stealing credit from them. Competitive
teams should not be used if you want to foster a culture of collaboration as
these types of teams will likely create more competition among the different
departments instead.
Cooperative – Cooperate:
Cooperative teams come together to accomplish tasks collectively rather than
individually. They often operate on consensus decision making so all parties
feel like they’ve been given input and had a say in how something goes. For
example, if you have an idea for a new product line, cooperative team members
would offer feedback before bringing it back to the entire group. It’s
important for cooperative teams to make sure everyone has their say as that way
no one feels excluded or ignored during the decision making process which could
lead to dissent within the team later down the line. Finally, some other good
ways to manage a cohesive and engaged cooperative team include creating space
for everyone’s voice to be heard through weekly check-ins, defining roles ahead
of time, and having regular retrospectives so the whole team can figure out how
things went well or didn’t go well.
Cooperative – Cooperate:
Cooperative teams come together to accomplish tasks collectively rather than
individually. They often operate on consensus decision making so all parties
feel like they’ve been given input and had a say in how something goes.
Cooperation is great for companies who value collectivity and communication;
though, it can be challenging if you have a low tolerance level for diversity.
2) Coordination – Delegate,
review and approve
Coordination is the most basic
team function. It includes delegating, reviewing, and approving work. The
coordinator’s role is important because it allows the team to focus on their work.
Coordinators can create a sense of safety for team members by providing regular
updates and ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard. Coordinators also take
care of administrative tasks such as filling out paperwork, ordering supplies,
and taking care of other day-to-day tasks so the team can focus on their work.
Basic – Share expertise: Sharing
knowledge through cross-functional discussions helps each person in the group
understand more about what others are doing. Basic teams are good for solving
short-term problems or coming up with new ideas.
Protective – Watch out for one
another: Protective teams help members who might need extra attention or
support while they’re completing difficult tasks or trying something new.
Protective teams give people confidence that they have backup if things go
wrong. For example, someone may be able to help a colleague complete an
assignment if they struggle with some part of it. A protective team should
always look after the emotional needs of its members.
Coaching – Encourage and guide:
Coaching teams exist to improve individual skills and habits. These groups tend
to be task oriented, but they still provide plenty of opportunities for
discussion too. Coaching teams are great when you want teammates’ input on your
progress but don’t necessarily want them to do any actual work themselves.
Protective teams can serve as advisors to those who need help navigating a
process. Basic teams are perfect for tackling smaller, short-term projects.
Protection teams are there to keep people safe and make sure no one gets left
behind. Coaching teams encourage individuals to grow and get better at their
3) Ad Hoc – Find team members
and work together
Microsoft teams are made up of 4
types: 1. The ad-hoc team, 2. The project team, 3. The permanent virtual team,
and 4. The permanent physical team. Ad-hoc teams are created for a specific
project or event, and then dissolved once the task is complete. Project teams
typically consist of members from different departments with a defined timeline
and deliverables to be met by the end of the project period. Permanent virtual
teams may have members that work remotely or in different locations and
typically communicate through electronic devices like Skype or email. Permanent
physical teams are usually located in the same office space and communicate
primarily face-to-face but can still use other methods like phone calls when
necessary to reach out to others in the organization . There are 4 types of
Microsoft team options available to find teammates and get started working
together. They include the ad-hoc team, the project team, the permanent virtual
team, and the permanent physical team. Ad-hoc teams are formed for a single
project or event, then dissolve once their task is completed. Project teams
usually include people from different departments who work on a given timeline
and deliverables that need to be met by the end of their project period.
Permanent virtual teams often have members who work remotely or in different
locations and typically communicate using electronic means like Skype or email.
Permanent physical teams are located at one office location where they interact
mainly face-to-face but can also use other methods such as phone calls if
needed to contact others within your organization. These 4 types of Microsoft
teams will help you quickly find teammates and start working together! If
you’re looking for quick ways to assemble a new team, consider these 4 types of
Microsoft teams. Each type has unique pros and cons so it’s important to think
about which one is right for the project or event you’ll be taking on before
jumping in head first.
4) Private – Share sensitive
info only with select few
A private team is a small group
that shares sensitive information only with a select few. This type of team is
often created by an organization to complete specific, time-sensitive projects.
Members usually have a high level of security clearance and are granted access
to the necessary information in order to complete the project. Once they
finish, they disband and continue on with their original work. Private teams
can be either ad hoc or permanent depending on the circumstances, so it’s
important for leaders and managers to know when it’s appropriate to create one.
Public – Share info with public: The public team is where members share
information publicly. Members may contribute anything from thoughts to files,
but they should be aware of the risks associated with public conversations. To
avoid privacy issues, people should not use names or email addresses without
permission in this setting.
Workplace – Share info within
your workplace: The workplace team is great for keeping everyone up-to-date
about what’s going on at your company and includes members from different
departments working towards shared goals. When people start a new job, it’s
common for them to join this team as a way of getting up to speed quickly on
everything that’s going on. It’s also helpful for newcomers who want to know
more about the structure of a company and get insight into day-to-day
operations. Corporate – Share info with co-workers outside your division: The
corporate team is useful for sharing ideas, expertise, and feedback across
divisions within the same company. It provides employees opportunities to explore
other areas of expertise while staying connected to their home division. For
example, if you’re a product manager and you want to network with marketing
professionals outside your team, then you might create a corporate team called
Product & Marketing Professionals. You would invite all marketing
professionals to this channel. Your intention behind creating the team will set
the tone for how long it lasts. If you’re looking to collaborate on a short
term project, say during a campaign or launch event, then consider making it
temporary. If you’re looking to build long-term relationships with likeminded
professionals, then make it permanent! Think of these teams as an extension of
your current department, only this time you’re collaborating with colleagues
outside of your department. These types of team don’t typically involve too
many formalities since we already know each other well enough, so there’s no
need for lengthy introductions before every meeting.