Site Approval Details: How to Get Your Site Approved Quickly and Easily

Site Approval Details: How to Get Your Site Approved Quickly and Easily

WordPress Site Approval Details: How to
Get Your Site Approved Quickly and Easily

WordPress site approval details can seem
confusing if you’re new to the process or if your hosting company has
particular requirements that aren’t always made clear. Don’t worry, though!
I’ll be sharing my own experiences and personal tips on getting your WordPress
site approved as quickly and easily as possible, so you can get back to
business with peace of mind. By the end of this article, you will know exactly
what type of web hosting you need, how to choose it, and how to get it approved
by the major web hosting companies in no time at all. Sounds good?


For any type of website, but especially
for a WordPress site, it is important to start the approval process as soon as
possible. There are a number of reasons why this is the case. For example, if
you wait until your site is live before starting the approval process then it
will take much longer than necessary. Additionally, without an approved site
then you are not eligible for certain features like Jetpack which can increase
your web traffic significantly. Finally, having an approved site provides peace
of mind knowing that your content will not be removed due to inappropriate or
prohibited content. To get started with the WordPress site approval process
follow these steps:

1) Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

2) Click on Plugins and navigate to Add
New Plugin.

3) Search Approve in the search bar at
the top of the screen.

4) Install and activate the Approve
plugin by clicking on its title.

5) Visit General Settings > Approve
Sites tab under Settings menu in dashboard for details about where approvel
code is located and how it looks.

6) Enter code into box, click Preview
changes button (located below Code box), copy code from top window on browser
window that pops up, paste into Code box in Settings > Approve Sites tab
under General settings menu

Step #1 – Choose the Right Theme

The first thing you want to do is choose
the right theme. You can either choose one that’s pre-installed on WordPress or
you can download one from WordPress’ Theme Directory. The pre-installed themes
are typically more simple, while the ones in the Theme Directory offer more
customization options. Either way, though, make sure that your theme is built
for displaying a business website.

The second thing you’ll want to do is set
up your site with pages for a home page, about page, contact page, etc. If
you’re not sure what these pages should contain or how they should look,
consult some other websites in your industry for examples of what they have on
their sites. In addition to the main sections, you may also want to include
things like an FAQs page and any informational subpages as well. Once you’ve
finalized all your content, it’s time to add some text! Make sure that there is
at least a paragraph or two explaining what your site does and who it is for so
people know before they click around. It’s also good practice to include
testimonials from previous customers who were happy with the services you
offered them!

Step #2 – Optimize your Mobile

If you have a WordPress site, it’s
important to make sure that your site is optimized for mobile. One way you can
do this is by enabling the AMP plugin on your site. AMP stands for Accelerated
Mobile Pages, which are lightweight pages that are designed specifically for
mobile devices. These pages load much faster than standard web pages, so they
can help give your website more visibility in Google search results.

Another way to optimize your WordPress
site for mobile users is by adding a responsive theme as your default theme.
This means that the theme resizes itself when it detects that a viewer is
viewing the site on a smaller screen like an iPad or iPhone. WordPress has many
free themes that offer responsive design, but one of our favorites is called
Twenty Fourteen. You can learn how to install a WordPress theme here.

Another great idea for increasing the
speed of your WordPress site is to use cache plugins such as WP Rocket or WP
Super Cache. These plugins work by saving static versions of the images on your
site and then serving them from cache rather than regenerating them every time
someone loads a page with those images on it (this process happens
automatically). What this means is that even if someone goes back through all
of your posts, they will not see any new images loading since they are being
served from cache.

Step #3 – Optimize your Home Page

Good job on getting your site approved!
Now that you have the go-ahead, it’s time to start optimizing your home page.

1. Create a compelling introduction using
enticing images, videos, or other content. This is your chance to showcase what
makes your business unique and what sets you apart from the competition.

2. Add relevant keywords into titles and
descriptions of blog posts or pages where applicable.

3. Optimize titles with appropriate
keywords in order to rank higher in search engines

4. Choose an attractive color palette
that complements the design of your site (you don’t want it looking outdated)
and make sure your fonts are easy to read. 5. Include social media icons so
visitors can follow you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc., plus link out to
your website and blog if they’re interested in more information or reading more
posts. 6. Be sure not to clutter up your home page by including unnecessary
information or links – just focus on the few most important items such as
latest articles, about us, contact us. Remember that less is more when it comes
to web design!

Step #4 – Proofread your Post

Now that you’ve completed writing your
post, it’s time to proofread it. There are a few key things you want to check
for when proofreading:

1. Check the title of your blog post. It
should be short, catchy, and relevant. A good way to do this is by asking
yourself if someone were searching for the topic of your blog post what would
they search for? If you’re having trouble coming up with a title, try taking
out some words until you find one that works.

2. Make sure the text flows well on the
page. When reading over your blog post does it seem like everything is in order
or does it sound choppy? Is there anything missing from your content? Have you
forgotten any punctuation marks? The last thing you want to happen is for
people who read your post to get confused because something was left out.
That’s why it’s important to go through and make sure everything looks right
before publishing! Here are a few more helpful tips for checking your post:

3. Do you have all the necessary tags?
Remember to tag each post with keywords and topics that might be related to it
so others can find it more easily. Try using WordPress tags like , since these
will let users know that this information pertains to beginners. 4. Did you add
an image or video as part of your content? Be careful not to break copyright
laws – use only images and videos you created, found under creative commons
licenses, or which belong to you personally. You can always use YouTube videos
as long as they are public domain!

Step #5 – Check Your Spelling and Grammar

The last step is a quick check for
spelling and grammar. Once you have written your blog post, click the Preview
button in the WordPress editor window. This will show you what your blog post
looks like on a web page. You should also use a word processing program (like
Microsoft Word or Google Docs) to do a quick spell check before submitting it.
If you are not sure how to find mistakes in your writing, ask someone who knows
English well (a professor, colleague, friend) for help!


The WordPress site approval process is
easy, but it takes patience. If you follow the steps in this blog post and get
your site approved, you’ll be able to publish your content with speed.

1) First, make sure you’re using the
latest version of WordPress. You can do this by updating your WordPress
software or by installing the latest version directly onto your website.

2) Make sure all of your plugins are
up-to-date with the latest versions. To check for updates, visit Plugins >
Add New in WordPress Admin dashboard > Updates tab at top of screen >
Check for Updates.

3) Update any themes that are not current
with the most recent WordPress update. You can find an updated theme by
visiting Appearance > Themes in WordPress Admin dashboard. 4) When finished
with the site’s updates, run a final scan for malware and viruses to ensure
your site is clean. 5) Upload a new contact page which includes information
about where readers should contact you if they have issues accessing your
content on their devices or other concerns they might have related to
accessibility. 6) Finally, select one of the two methods below depending on how
quickly you want access to publishing new posts:

a.) Wait until your WordPress site has
been approved before publishing new posts.

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