How We Used Google Consoles to Find the Best Keywords for Our Website

How We Used Google Consoles to Find the Best Keywords for Our Website

How We Used Google Consoles to Find the Best Keywords for Our Website

If you’re like most people, you have many
goals that you want to accomplish but never seem to get around to doing so. One
of the biggest reasons why this happens is because of procrastination; we all
make excuses about why we can’t do something and then end up spending time
doing other things that don’t matter as much as our actual goals and dreams.
While there are different methods to deal with procrastination, one of the easiest
ways to keep track of your goals and dreams is by using Google consoles.

Starting up

We had a lot of ideas about what we
wanted our website to be, but the most important thing was that it needed a
good keyword. So we used google consoles to find out which ones would work
best. It’s not enough just to know what you want your site to be; you also need
people who are looking for it.

Google consoles showed us a list of
search queries that people were typing into google and clicking on results,
which helped us figure out our best options. One is writing tips. Another is
find a writer. A third option is essay help. If we choose one of these three
keywords, then it will be easier to get more traffic because people will have
come to the website by searching for something they’re looking for. We found
that writing tips was the most popular query for writing help. It came up
almost twice as often as find a writer, and almost four times as often as essay

This could be because writing tips is
shorter than either of the other two queries, or perhaps people think it means
something different-we weren’t sure. But there was no doubt in our minds:
writing tips should be our focus.

Understanding our business

We are a small business that provides
all-around handyman services. We recently used google consoles to find out what
people were searching for when they found our website, so we could see which
words would be best as keywords. The results showed that remodel is something
people often searched when looking for help with projects around their home,
and painting was another popular search term. So we listed those two terms as
keywords on our site, and hopefully it will lead more people in the right

Keywords are important because businesses
like ours use them to provide relevant information about our products and
services. Those keywords also help us show up higher in search engine results
pages, since searches have specific word components involved. A good way to
make sure you’re using relevant words that your customers might look for online
is to use online tools like Google consoles to analyze existing content or
compare your offerings against competitors’ websites. It’s not just limited to
websites—we also work with local organizations who want better social media
pages and advertising campaigns, too! The bottom line is simple: If you can’t
show up online using important key phrases then you won’t get new clients—or
keep old ones coming back again and again . Sometimes even if you do an amazing
job but nobody knows about it, does it really count?

Finding out what our customers want from

We’re a small business that provides
printing services, office supplies and other items. So we needed a website that
would be simple and easy-to-use. We want our customers to be able to find what
they need quickly and easily.

We started by doing some research on our
competitors who offer similar products. What did their websites look like? How
could we make ours better? After some time of studying, we decided on a design
concept. Next up was coming up with keywords that would drive traffic without
having too much competition. Google Console helped us do this in three ways:

1) It allowed us to find out what people
were searching for online when looking for things like printing company or
office supply store. That way, we knew which words were worth targeting in our
title tags and meta descriptions.

2) It showed us how many times people had
searched those phrases so far this year. If there’s only one or two searches
per month, it’s not worth it to use that keyword because there isn’t enough
demand – but if there are 10 searches per month, then it’s worth adding that
phrase as a target keyword in Google Ads.

3) Finally, it let us know which phrases
were popular around the country. Sometimes a customer will type printing
company near me into Google Maps and see listings of local businesses. But what
happens if someone types office supplies near me? They’ll see results from
national companies. Sometimes these companies have great deals for their
products, so we might end up purchasing from them even though our physical
location is just across town! Knowing which phrases are more regional helps us
advertise to the right audience.

Finding out what our competitors are
doing with their content

We used google consoles to find out what
our competitors were doing with their content. To do this, we looked at one of
their pages, and clicked on Search Traffic. From there, we entered a few
keywords that are related to our company and saw what people were searching.
This gave us an idea of what keywords are working well for us and which ones
need improvement. For example, if you search top 10 contractors in Dallas you
can see that top contractors in Dallas will get more traffic than top contractors
in Chicago.

We also found success using forums as
research tools. For example, we googled diy dog fence and found a forum where
someone is asking how they could build one. One user wrote I just did it – I
ordered chicken wire from Lowes ($9/roll) and have enough left over for another
couple of sections plus some spools of metal edging or other material for
corners/posts – that’s an answer to his question!

Another thing we did was search blogs.
When we searched top ten contractors in Dallas, there was a blog post about the
best high-quality building contractors in Dallas. When looking at this list, we
noticed that our competitor wasn’t on it so we decided to make changes. We
noticed that our competitor wasn’t on this list so we decided to make changes.
It has been 2 months since then and after following these techniques, we’ve
seen improvements across the board!

Choosing keywords wisely

– What is your niche?

– What are your competitors using?

– What does it mean if someone searches
for this keyword?

– Does your website address this topic?
If so, then you should use this term.

– Are you ranking for these keywords now?
If not, what steps can you take to start ranking on them?

– How often do people search for these
terms every month? Can you rank in the top ten results on Google’s SERPs by
addressing this search query more often than your competition and provide a
solution that people need or want to solve their problem or fulfill their need
or want with what they are searching for? You need at least 300 monthly
searches per month, which would be at least two search queries per day.

– Should you create a blog post around
these keywords that includes similar content and will help boost your rankings
on these specific keywords when people search for them in the future. –
Creating a video related to these topics and embedding it into your website
will also make sure you rank higher.

– Researching how competitive each of
these keywords are as well as how many pages of organic results there are
(Google Search Console > Queries)

– Considering how much competition there
is in regards to how much traffic goes through the websites that rank #1
organically on Google SERPS (ranking position)

– Do you want high traffic volume over
low traffic volume?

Prioritizing our keywords

1) Keyword research is important in any
SEO strategy. In this step, I learned about some of the best practices for
optimizing a website and how to identify keywords that would be valuable for
our company. 2) A keyword audit is an important part of a SEO strategy. In this
step, I learned about some of the best practices for optimizing a website and
how to identify keywords that would be valuable for our company. 3) Keyword
density refers to how often you use words or phrases on your site related to
your desired keywords. In this step, I learned about some of the best practices
for optimizing a website and how to identify keywords that would be valuable
for our company. 4) The first thing we did was brainstorming. We came up with
many different ideas and identified which ones we wanted to focus on by doing
our own research. Next, we narrowed it down to four key words that have high
search volume, low competition and low ad spend. 5) It was very time consuming
but worth it because we are now ranking well for three out of the four
keywords! 6) Now, I’ve done a lot more reading on topics like title tags and Meta
descriptions so that I can optimize my page even more. 7) With so much
information available online, there’s no excuse not to keep learning and
implementing new strategies. 8) Now that we know what works for us, we’re eager
to try other strategies like PPC advertising. 9) Overall, I feel empowered
knowing all these tips and tricks will help our business grow in the future!
10) I’m also excited to see what else we might find out next week at the
conference! 11) These sessions were definitely helpful and informative; they
gave me tools that I could implement right away. 12) Knowing these tools will
make my job easier in the long run. 13) One way google consoles helped me was
by giving me a deep dive into advanced seo tactics. 14) Advanced seo tactics
can range from link building to taking advantage of rich snippets and schema
markup—all things have been interested in but didn’t really understand before
today’s session. 15) Now I get it, plus have got all sorts of resources for
further exploration – so I’m set for now.

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